• Access Panel
  • Access Panel

Access Panel

A key feature of building design, access panels are fitted into a void in the wall or ceiling in order to provide access to services in buildings. They are designed to fit subtly into the wall or ceiling surface, with doors often able to be painted over to blend into the surface for minimal noticeability. An access panel is a pre-fabricated door and frame that allows access into wall cavities or ceiling voids gaining entry to hidden services within the structure of the building. This allows access to components such as plumbing, electrical or HVAC systems and other utilities that may need regular servicing or inspections, without the need for demolition and reconstruction of the surrounding area. These panels can be fire tested, smoke sealed, airtight and with an acoustic rating.

how to choose a right access panel


Before anything else, you should know why you need an access door, its purpose, and its location. The product that you purchase must be able to fulfill the reason why you're buying it in the first place. There are now various access doors based on their application and purpose. When you identify what you need, you can effectively lower your options.


The location of your commercial building will also influence the type of access door you want to purchase. Is your establishment located on busy streets and requires good insulation? Are you located in a harsh environment that requires access doors with excellent durability? Does your establishment require optimum air quality?

Some applications may require specific standards, especially for establishments that require extra caution and fire safety. In that case, you can install fire-rated access doors to address possible fire safety concerns.

Furthermore, you also need to highlight the clearance or the space. The availability of the area is critical for ensuring the frame size and installation process of the drywall access panel. Hire or talk to an expert who can provide information based on the best access door measurements and purpose or function.


After knowing the purpose of why you want to purchase a drywall access door and determining the installment location, you should also consider its material. It is crucial to pick the right access panel and material to fit your standards. In this case, your wall and floor material will also play a huge role in choosing the suitable material for your access doors.

For example, if you need to install an exterior access panel, do not choose a material that will easily corrode or can wear and tear when exposed to external factors. You can select an access panel manufactured from aluminum to prevent corrosion and withstand any possible exterior elements like sunlight, rain, or snow.

In addition, an expert will not suggest an external access panel manufactured from a non-water-resistant material as it can result in mold, rust, and mildew build-up. If you need to reduce sound transmission, choose an access panel with soundproofing materials. The material makeup of the access door is responsible for its ability to be fire-resistant or soundproof.

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