• Insulated flexible duct

Insulated flexible duct

Insulated flexible ducting is a type of ducting pipe that could easily be bent in different angles. This product is made out of flexible materials like polyurethane (PU) and PVC, often with a steel spiral wire to provide even more flexibility. Some products have aluminium insulation layers and even fibreglass insulation added (insulated ducting), like the flexible acoustic ducting. There are many options on the market to fit the needs of production processes and other applications

Types of flexible ducting:

  • Polyurethane (PU);
  • Aluminium flexible;
  • Aluminium insulated ducting;
  • Acoustic;
  • Rectangular PVC;
  • Semi flex;
  • Combi flex;
  • High temperature silicone;
  • Wyrem flex;
  • Metal;
  • Vacuum hose;
  • Replacement welding arm flex;
  • Car exhaust extraction ducting.

Benefits of using Flexible Ducting

The number one benefit of using those products is their flexibility. The hoses could be fitted inside walls and within other equipment. Like the extraction arm flex, cooker hood extraction and many more. The properties of antistatic and food grade options are almost impossible to replicate with other ducting products. Most flexible duct hoses can also withstand integral pressure levels, that will simply rip other products in half. It is important to mention to our team the amount of pressure in your system so that we can recommend an optimal solution.
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