• Park equipment

Park equipment

Outdoor fitness equipment is exercise equipment that is located outside – often in parks and public open spaces. It is usually owned by local councils and is free for community use. It can be grouped together (as an outdoor gym or fitness station) or spread out along a walking/cycling trail.

Benefits of using outdoor fitness equipment

Regular physical activity is good for us. It has major benefits for health and wellbeing including reducing people’s risk of conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes and improving mental health, wellbeing and quality of life.

Where we do physical activity also matters. There is evidence around exercising outdoors in nature:

  • short bouts (as short as five minutes) of physical activity in both natural green and blue spaces can result in immediate improvements in mood and self esteem.
  • physical activity participation in nature may lead to lower perceived exertion (i.e., it feels easier) and increased motivation to participate more regularly.

There are other benefits too: using outdoor fitness equipment in your area increases your chances of meeting other local people. It’s a chance to try something new for free and you can include it as part of your daily walk – and even take the dog.

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